Sunday 27 August 2017

Grow up, Miley. You're not a victim

Miley Cyrus apparently "felt sexualised" when she was twerking with her tongue hanging out, grinding her arse into Robin Thicke's crotch at the MTV awards. 

Imagine my shock. 

Yeah, you know, you make choices in this life. When I had my 15 mins of fame, I was encouraged to continue with my acting, but I was suspicious of some of the roles offered to me - one of which was a child prostitute and would have involved nudity and simulated drug use. I didn't want to go down that road, so I said "no". It's not a difficult word, and I said it all by myself, at the age of just 14. 

So no, I am not going to take the "all women are blameless, helpless victims of the patriarchy" stance that modern feminism demands, and I am not going to give MC a pass for presenting an image that was and remains thoroughly unhelpful to every woman working hard to be taken seriously in a pornified world while she made $millions - just because she's a woman. 

It's precisely because she's a woman that she should have known better. 

I'm glad she's settled down a bit, and I'm glad she's going back to her country roots. She was good at that stuff, but she collected a great deal of money, fame and notoriety acting the slut and throwing her young fans under the bus, and as a former child 'star' myself who grew up in 'the business' too, I don't buy for a minute that she didn't know exactly what she was doing. 

So put your hands up, Miley. Own what you did, and move on.